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What is HIIT training? The benefits and workouts to try

HIIT - or high-intensity interval training is an exercise trend that has grown in popularity over the last eight years as you can see from the Google trend data below. Although HIIT is a form of interval training - training you may only associate with the ‘bleep’ test from your school PE days - try not to let that put you off! Source: Google Trends Interval training can be a great form of exercise for many reasons. Two of the main reasons people are drawn to this cardiovascular workout is that it can be done anywhere - at home, the gym, in your hotel room - and it’s over relatively quickly. If those two reasons sound enticing, read on to find out in detail what HIIT training comprises of, it’s benefits and some workouts for you to try. So, what is HIIT Training? HIIT training has long been a method of exercise - popular with military personnel to gym bunnies. Interval training gives your full body an intensive workout with short recovery times in between. You can build up your fitness over time, but it’s possible to notice results pretty quickly. Many fitness programmes, including BodyBoss, promise you will start to see physical changes to your body in just two weeks. So if you’re trying to get fitter and want results quickly, HIIT training could be the perfect workout routine for you. To get started with HIIT, you only need four pieces of equipment: An exercise matA bottle of waterA timerDumbells (optional) Before you start your workout, you must take care of your feet. If you’re prone to developing blisters on your feet, prevention is better than cure! Our blister prevention pads sit inside your shoe and not on your foot.  Don’t let blisters stop you in your tracks and interfere with your new workout routine. Buy PelliTec blister prevention pads before you start. The benefits of HIIT interval training Aside from feeling fitter in a short space of time, interval training offers many other benefits.  It’s a short workout With workout sessions usually lasting between 20-30 minutes, it’s clear to see why this workout regime is accessible - you can easily fit in workouts when you get a spare minute in the evening or on your lunch break. Its versatile nature means you can exercise anywhere - even on holiday (if the mood takes you). You burn more calories This is different from other exercises like running - online diet and healthy living experts, Sparkpeople suggest running for 30 minutes can burn around 324 calories. Still, a 30-minute HIIT workout class can burn up to 500 calories, according to Virgin Active. And your body keeps burning calories as it repairs muscles from your workout, this is called the afterburn effect. This effect is present after partaking in any cardiovascular exercise, but the results can be longer-lasting after intense interval training. Anyone can do interval training  The great thing about interval training is that anyone of any age and size [...]


For women who hate the gym: 3 workout apps you should try

Finding an exercise you enjoy is the best way to stay fit and healthy. Danielle Johnson, a wellness physical therapist, states that exercise shouldn’t be drudgery. She reinforces that it’s hard to consistently do something you hate – even if you know it’s good for you. So it’s better for all of us that we seek out an activity tailor-made to our strengths and exercise that helps you focus on the long-lasting results you’re looking for. That’s where fitness apps come to fruition. They’re inexpensive, require little to no equipment, and you don’t have to step foot inside a gym - perfect if that’s not your scene. 79% of UK adults now own a smartphone - so why not put it to good use and try out some of these workout apps? Before we begin, if you’re worried about getting blisters on your foot when exercising, you can prevent blisters with PelliTec®. - Let’s go! Zombies, Run! - a fitness app with a difference If you’ve ever watched The Walking Dead, you’ll know how terrifying being amidst a zombie apocalypse can be. Now, transfer that terror into your workout, and you can see how the zombie theme might make you run faster... A story, a game and fitness all in one - Zombies, Run! is a fitness app for gamers and the bored, alike. This fitness app helps you save the world and get fitter - what’s not to like about that? Gather supplies, rescue survivors and beat your personal bests. If you struggle with motivation or you fancy a change to your running routine, this is the app for you. This is what the Zombie’s, Run! dashboard looks like. Select a training plan or simply follow the story Couch to 5k app - become a seasoned runner in just nine weeks You’ve probably heard of the app before. It’s free and created by Public Health England. The app promises to turn you into a 5K hero in just nine weeks - so if you want to get back into running or start running from scratch, this app could be perfect for you.  This app is packed with all kinds of features you can experiment with, from tracking progress to a handy half time bell, so you know when to turn back.  You can choose a coaching voice from a trained professional or a celebrity, including comedian Sarah Millican. The voice tells you when to walk and run and encourages you along the way - you can also link your music to the app. The fact that you don’t have to keep retrieving your phone from your pocket is a fantastic feature - so you can focus on running.              Couch to 5k: this is the screen you’ll see when you start your first run. Daily Workout Apps - perfect for home exercise Although you could easily do these exercises in the gym - using their equipment and the floor mats - it’s the ideal workout option if you want to [...]


Kara shares her views on Pellitec

Name Kara Bartlow Where do you live? Washington State What type of athlete are you? Hiker, backpacker and climber Do you have a day job or are you a professional athlete? For my day job I work as a data scientist as well as working in outdoor retail on evenings/weekends. How long have you been participating in this sport? I began hiking as a way to keep active after an ankle injury I sustained in 2016 that resulted in reconstructive surgery. Climbing and backpacking followed soon after as it healed. Who are your biggest influences? Who do you admire most? My parents and grandparents took us on road trips to the national parks as kids which influenced my love of the outdoors. I admire them taking time to drive us to experience so many states and different trails at a young age. What is your training regimen? I try to spend my Saturdays outdoors hiking as well as a couple days in the gym or working out at home throughout the week. How do you structure your days? I start work between 6-7am and am off by 3pm which gives me time to hike or ski some evenings. I usually drive somewhere further to hike on Saturdays since it’s my only day off between the two jobs. Do you find your diet to be a crucial part of your lifestyle? If so, what diet tips would you recommend to your followers? I’ve started do 16/8 intermittent fasting on Monday-Thursday. What this means is that I stop eating at 8pm on Sunday night and don’t eat again until noon on Monday and repeat this until I get to noon on Friday. As for diet tips, I recommend following whatever diet suits your lifestyle best. I introduced this diet plan into my life because it is easy to stick to no matter how busy you are. I am working sometimes from 6am-9:30pm so I found limiting when I eat was easier than a plan that highly restricts what I eat. How do you care for your body and health aside from your sport? I try to make it to yoga once per week but if I don’t, I just stretch and destress at home. What is your impression of the Pellitec products we sent you? How did they add value to you? What did you like about them? Although I do my best with proper foot care and footwear, blisters still form occasionally while hiking. I liked that the PelliTec® Blister Prevention Pads adhere to the shoe instead of the foot. I usually use moleskin when I feel a hot spot forming but as I hike and sweat it can easily dislodge from my heel. Since the PelliTec® Blister Prevention Pads adhered to the shoe they didn’t sweat off. They were moisture wicking and padded for comfort. Would you recommend Pellitec to other athletes? Yes, I found these to be effective and easy to use. It was nice to be able to stick the PelliTec® Blister Prevention Pad into the back of my shoe to prevent hot spots and not [...]


Experts issue warning over blister treatment.

A survey has revealed that 15 percent of people who suffer with blisters choose to ‘pop’ them, increasing the risk of infection, and if not treated correctly - possible sepsis. While 21 percent of those surveyed declared that they ‘leave’ their blisters alone, 48 percent state that they use a form of plaster to cover it. Dr. Lindsay A Hill BSc (Hons) MSc PhD MChS HCPC, podiatrist at Axis Podiatry commented: “People are under the illusion that getting a blister is simply an irritation and inconvenience but actually there is a really serious risk attached to having a blister." “A blister is caused by skin rubbing against a static surface like the inside of a shoe. The friction causes the skin layers to separate and fill with fluid. If they ‘pop’, the body’s natural defence is opened up to infection which is some extreme cases can lead to sepsis – a life-threatening condition. “Fitness enthusiasts, including cyclists, runners and walkers, often think they aren’t susceptible to blisters as they wear specially fitted equipment. However, what they often don’t realise is that the structure of feet changes during exercise and responds to different conditions, so could swell more than ‘usual’ resulting in a blister.” 79 per cent of those surveyed revealed they suffer with blisters for up to five days, so it’s understandable that 65 per cent of them focus on preventing blisters by making sure they wear the appropriate, well-fitted, footwear. Peter Broxton, brand director at PelliTec said: “Blisters can be an unwelcome effect of doing exercise, so it makes sense that where possible, people want to avoid getting them. “The expression ‘prevention is better than a cure’ is really true when it comes to blisters. The PelliTec® Blister Prevention Pad was created with sportspeople in mind and its unique six-layer formation means not only will it protect any unwanted blisters, allowing them to heal, but can also be used to prevent them from happening in the first place.” PelliTec® is a revolutionary blister prevention pad that relieves the pressure and pain of a blister, reduces the occurrence of blisters and reduces the risk of infection.


Handbag Essential for This Year’s Christmas Party Season

Christmas is the party season of the year. There’s practically a party every night of the week and women get the chance to wear their favourite dresses and debut their stunning new shoes. But one thing is guaranteed to ruin a good night out and that’s the unwelcome pain of a blister thanks to your ‘beautiful to look at’ – yet painful - footwear. But ladies – there’s no need to worry. The new PelliTec Blister Prevention Pad is a simple, effective pad that fits inside any shoe discreetly and not only protects against any unwanted blisters, but also allows existing blisters to heal without irritating them further. If you know you suffer with ‘hotspots’ simply place the pad on the shoe by the effected area, or if being pre-cautious, take one in your handbag so that at the first tingle – you can stick one in your shoe – and carry on enjoying your night. PelliTec Blister Prevention Pads are available in a two pack, costing £6.95 and are available on here: Pellitec.co.uk

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