Sometimes it can be hard to muster up the will power and the motivation required to reach your fitness goals. When you’re dealt setbacks, including illness or injury, lifestyle changes or changes in your personal life, it can be challenging to get yourself back on the exercise horse.

We hope this blog post will inspire you to keep trying to reach your fitness goals – whether it’s to improve technique, speed or even if it’s just to keep you on track and motivated to get your exercise gear on and go for that run, swim, cycle – whatever it is you want to do!

We’re sharing a selection of our favourite inspirational quotes from equally inspirational sportswomen.

If you start your run with negative thoughts including ‘I’m never going to achieve a personal best’ or ‘I’m going to injure myself’, then adopting a positive mindset could be the key to unlocking your success. 

Experts suggest thinking positive thoughts can help you achieve more. Reported by Runner’s World, Dr Terry Orlick, author of In Pursuit of Excellence, says “when you focus on the negatives, you are giving yourself permission to perform poorly.”

To increase your confidence, you need to believe in yourself. You need to visualise yourself finishing the race, or getting to the distance you want to accomplish – two silver medals later Jessica Ennis-Hill is living proof that her mindset works. 

With 23 winning grand slams under her belt, Serena’s quote above could easily apply in both daily life and training. You can’t rewind time so there’s no point focusing on events you can’t change. If you’ve suffered injury setbacks in your exercise regime, it can be a hard barrier to conquer – it can prevent you from achieving your fitness goals. Although you can’t just get over it, it’s essential to focus on the positives, just like Jessica Ennis-Hill states above. Focusing on past events can change your mindset, but you should only let it influence your mindset positively. 

Don’t cling on to the past – move your training forward by looking forward.

Just as with any aspect of your life, you should never compare yourself to others in a competitive sense. Everyone is different, and that applies when exercising, too. If you notice someone else is lifting heavier weights than you at the gym or running faster than you in your park run, don’t take that to mean you’re not good at what you do. You need to focus on yourself and try your best – it’s all you can do. Don’t let the success of others get you down and knock your confidence or your fitness goal out of focus.

As Michelle Wie states, there’s no point in viewing your chosen sport or exercise as a rivalry – everyone is playing their own game, so solely focus on your fitness goals.

If you struggle with blisters on your feet when exercising, it could be stopping you from reaching your fitness goals. Our blister prevention pads stick to the inside of your shoe – they reduce the friction between your foot and your shoe, enabling you to enjoy comfortable exercising experience. 

Check out our video on how they work below or buy PelliTec blister prevention pads now.