People playing Futsal

Futsal is a 5-a-side version of football played with a heavier ball. It’s a fast game where players are constantly on the move, and twisting and turning, which means blisters can be commonplace.  Therefore a tournament featuring 50 hours of continuous play in the attempt to set a World Record was the perfect proving ground for PelliTec blister prevention pads.

Guinness World Record Certificate badge

Eight participants with an age range 18 to 35 were recruited on a voluntary basis. All had a history of blistering, had played futsal previously, and were allowed to wear their own style of footwear and socks. Each participant was allowed to request PelliTec blister prevention pads as the game progressed. The pads were fitted to their footwear by the Podiatrist present. The results were impressive.

Participant 1

Started the trial using their own proprietary blister prevention pads but changed to PelliTec pads around half way through. They were then able to continue and complete the 50 hours.

Participant 2

Wore the product from the start on first metatarsal heads which remained blister free but went on to develop blisters on the apices of the third toes after the 20-hour period. Pads were placed into the boots at the symptomatic places, the pain ceased and they were able to continue.

Participant 3

Reported pain under both metatarsal head areas at the thirty hour mark. On examination there was no evidence of blistering but tenderness was elicited on palpation of both second metatarsal heads. Pads were placed in position and they were able to continue until the end and were symptom free.

Participant 4

Reported that, after blistering, they used the pads under both first metatarsal heads and found that they “took the rubbing feeling away and allowed me to carry on playing”

Participant 5

Found they were blistering during the 12-hour pre-challenge training sessions. They used the pads throughout the 50-hour challenge and suffered no blistering.

Participant 6

Began the challenge with PelliTec pads in a new pair of trainers. They reported that blisters were present but not in the areas where the pads were placed. They then went back to their old trainers, had no problems and was able to continue and complete the trial.

Participant 7

Had a history of blistering under both first metatarsal heads and used the PelliTec pads from the beginning of the trial. They suffered no blistering where the pads were placed but went on the develop blisters on the apices of the second and fourth toes at around the 20-hour mark. The pads were placed in the appropriate areas and they reported being able to continue and complete the trial symptoms free.

Participant 8

No blisters formed during the trial.

So, a success for PelliTec pads – and an even bigger success for the players, who successfully set a new World Record!

Update: this Futsal Marathon World Record was finally beaten in April 2024 by a team in Indonesia, who played continuously for 60 hours. We hope someone was on hand with PelliTec pads – there will have been lots of blistered feet if not!

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